May’s Candy Shop
May’s Candy Shop continues to make traditional fudge and candies that are still popular with our customers. From grandpa’s famous Peanut Brittle to the family’s long withstanding fudge making process with new modern flavors, May’s hopes to provide favorite treats to the new generation of customers and fans alike.
Family Candy Makers
The 4th generation candymakers continue the traditional fudge and candy business at the oldest candy shop on Mackinac Island in Michigan. With over five generations of candy makers, May’s Candy Shop continues to sell the best candies and fudge through the summer season. Heather, Carolyn, and Lee have stepped in to maintain their father’s, Marvin S. May, legacy. With a diverse background in business, sales, design and many years growing up and learning the candy process, the current owners have provided a unique and modern approach in the confectionary business.
May’s Candy Shop
7351 Main St
Mackinac Island, MI
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